Pool Funds for a Scholar

Pool Funds for a scholar today!

Pool funds to support a scholar (Patak sa Tatak My Dream in a Shoebox)
There’s a part in every one of us that wants to help out. As to what degree or to what capacity, it varies. Patak sa Tatak My Dream in a Shoebox is a campaign that was derived from the Filipino “patak patak” concept where a group of people can donate whatever they can as long as it’s coming from the heart, every donation counts.

Contribute to pooling funds so you can provide more dream scholars with much-needed support for their education. Every donation helps finance a child’s supplies for their school projects, their parent’s transportation expenses so our scholars going to their schools and communities and hygiene kits for their daily needs. 

Our mission is to raise a total of Php 250,000, which will be used to support 10 scholars per community across a total of 10 communities all over the Philippines!

Your donation will be pooled to be able to support a scholar for one school year: 

  • School supplies
  • Materials for school projects 
  • Allowance for parents’ transportation to pick up modules at school
  • Washable face masks and alcohol
  • Administrative and logistical expenses

Minimum price: 1.00
